A few months ago I asked my mom where her Dansk green glass votive holders were and she said "Oh, I got rid of those a while ago." As a kid we made regular trips to the Dansk store in Carmel and I really didn't get why my mom was so interested in dishes, flatware and candles. Well, now I get it. I didn't cry to hear they were gone, but I was a little excited when I saw 5 of them yesterday at the thrift store.We used them originally with those fat round ball candles but they work perfectly well with my tea lights which I already have zillions of. It got me to clear papers off the table which unfortunately has to be used as a desk sometimes in my small house.
I love Dansk stuff, too--and those candle holders are very nice. I also never understood my mom's attention to decor until recently--now I understand and appreciate all she did (and still does). Nice place you've got there, Wendy! Love the stainless bowl on the table.